FAQs Clients
1. What’s included in my StructureCity Order?
We have a created very nice page listing what you should expect with your order. Please Click here
2. How much will this house cost to build?
The ’cost to build’ vary with the location of property, type of foundation, finishes (tiling, window quality, doors, fittings and so on) and contractor. Hence we provided a budget range for each selected design. However, if you need a more precise ‘cost to build’ be sure to select bill of quantities on your application
3. Can I make modifications to my StructureCity plan and what modifications?
Yes, you can. Our plans are modifiable. Some of the more common requests are;
Eliminating/changing windows and door openings
Reconfiguring kitchen cabinets & appliances
Rearranging interior walls
Changing ceiling heights
Changing a roof pitch
Relocating garage door openings / adding or eliminating bays • Changing garages entry location
Adding or eliminating a room (this would involve changes to all aspects of a plan–elevations, floor plans, roof, foundation & sections)
Stretching or reducing the square area of a plan
Adding a bonus room
Most modifications can be done by simply adjusting the existing plans. Other modifications require a more comprehensive re-design of the home.
Modifications may cost N50,000 or more but represent a huge savings over creating a new plan from scratch.
If you want to make modifications, email us at designs@structurecity.com after applying for the design. Be sure to specify the reference number of the design you applied for.
4. How do I choose right plan for my new home?
a. Find a Plan that You Love
Click on “Advance Search”. Most searches begin with the land size or the number of bedrooms that are desired. Since we have so many plans, it is usually necessary to further “filter” the search results. You can limit the results to a category or you can look at plans that have specific features. When you find a plan that you like, fill the form below and click the “Apply” button to place your request.
b. Choose a House Plan That Suits Your Land
Choose a plan that fits the characteristics of your land. It can be very expensive to haul in dirt or grade a lot to make it suitable for a plan. It’s better to make the house fit the land rather than try to make the land fit the house. Also, the size and shape of your lot affects the type of home you can build on the lot.
c. Be Open Minded
It’s important to be open-minded when looking at houses. By doing this, you’ll learn things you never realized. Over time, your “ideal” home will evolve and change. If you’re like most people, you’ll probably buy a home that is different from what you thought you wanted. Don’t quickly discard houses. You will have a better understanding of what you want by taking a close look at many houses.
d. Exteriors Are Easy to Change
Some people will only look at a house if they like its appearance. However, usually the house’s exterior can easily be changed. The changes to an exterior can be so dramatic that you won’t realize you are looking at the same house. To change the exterior, you can use different windows, modify rooflines, and change exterior details. Don’t judge a home by its appearance. It’s the inside that really counts. After all, you’ll spend 90% of your time on the inside of your home.
e. Your “Perfect” Home May Not Exist
Some people spend years searching for the perfect home. Ask yourself what are features you must have and what are features you want to have. When you find a house that meets your requirements, it may not have all of your wants. Often we can work with you to close the gap.
f. Square Footage May Change
If you use a stock plan, you will probably make changes to the floor plan. Changes to a plan often increase or decrease the size of the house. Because of this, you should also look at plans that are smaller and larger than what you think you want. After changes are made, the plan may be close to the size you desire.
5. How many sets of plans do I need to buy to build my house?
You should keep a full set for your records plus enough plan sets for your builder and contractors, lending institution, and building department. A quick trip to your local building department or to their website will tell you how many copies they will need. Contractors and subcontractors will all need copies of the plan to create a bid. It is increasingly popular to buy the electronic “PDF” version of plans because you can take or send the file to your local print shop whenever you need another copy
6. Can I apply for a new (fresh from the scratch) design based on my specifications?
Yes, you can apply for a new (fresh) design based on your specifications. Just click on the “Apply for custom design” on the main menu to apply.
7. Is there any commitment fee to be made, when applying for a new design?
Yes, there is a commitment fee to be made which is done online; when you click on submit button you will be redirected to a payment platform, when completed your form will submitted. Note: Commitment fees for custom design will be deducted from the total cost of the design.
8. Are your plans ready to submit to my building department/local council for permitting?
Every town is different. Our plans contain enough information to build a home, but they may not include all of the information that your local authority requires. Prior to application for a building permit or the start of actual construction, we strongly advise that you consult your local building official to verify what you will need to submit for your building permit.
StructureCity represents hundreds of designers, each with their own standards for plans. Look in the “Listing” on each individual plan page to see what is included with that particular plan.
9. How can I find a house in my area that has been built with a house plan from your site that I like?
This is a very common question, however due to our Privacy Policy, we do not release this information to protect the privacy of our customers.
10. How do I get my final documents of my drawing when I have made the necessary payments?
It will be sent to any location of your choice Nationwide. For locations outside Nigeria, we send only soft copies (PDFs or CAD format) via email.